step 1
Schedule Appointment
Service appointment is made with us and your fork/shock is either shipped to us or dropped off on or before scheduled service appointment.

step 2
Service Options
We communicate with you about any issues/adjustments or upgrades that are available to you.

step 3
Record Settings
All your settings are recorded with hardware orientation notes for reassembly after the service is completed (air pressure/volume spacers/rebound settings/compression settings/coil spring rate and preload).

step 4
Disassembly and Inspection
Your shock or fork is removed from your bike. Shock/fork is cleaned in Bio-Circle parts washer then it is completely disassembled and inspected for damage/wear.

step 5
All parts are cleaned in Bio-Circle parts washer and dryed thoroughly. If any parts are found damaged/worn during inspection, we contact you with cost before any further work is preformed.

step 6
Shock/Fork Reassembly
Shock or fork is reassembled to factory specifications with new o rings/seals/wear bands/valve cores.

step 7
Vacuum Bleed
Shock or fork damper has vacuum bleed preformed with either our DO Enginnering or Andreani SP4 pumps.

step 8
Charged and Dyno Tested
IFP’s are set to height and charged with nitrogen to factory specifications. Dampers are tested on hand dyno for proper functioning.

step 9
Set to Original Tuning
Air spring systems are charged with nitrogen to previous psi and equalized. All settings are reinstated and again tested for proper function.

step 10
Hardware Reinstall
Hardware is reinstalled. Final cleaning in Bio-Circle parts washer and polished. You are sent an invoice to your provided email with a full list of work done and a link for payment. Items are ready for pick up or shipped back through Canada Post.
Don't Wait
Make an appointment today so your bike will be ready when you are!